The Zebra will be happy to know that my quirky little pre-marathon ritual went perfectly this evening. We have this little routine in which follows our carbo loading dinner. Get all the kit out. Pin the race number on to race singlet and attach timing chip to shoe laces. Then do a test run around the lounge room and up the hallway, make necessary adjustments and repeat test runs until everything feels just right. My whole kit, (clothes, vas, gels, sunscreen, etc) is layed out ready for the morning and then I gaze over it for a while trying to remember what I have forgotten. Finally some couch time and a relaxing beer before bed. This ritual doesn't sound much but it's more about the mood, the reserved excitement and slightly nervous anticipation of the morning ahead.

Tonight it is difficult to resist the temptation of staying up to watch the
Tour de France Prologue, but I will, there is many late nights watching Le Tour to come.
Best wishes to everyone participating in the
Gold Coast Marathon tomorrow, especially all my friends and clients in all events including
Southport Runners and Walkers members.
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